Thursday, November 20, 2008

Justin - How I got here

How I came to JVC still remains questionable in my and a lot of my family’s minds. How/why does one actively choose a “Life of Ruin” shortly after graduation? Well, during March of my final semester of St. Edward’s University, life was going nowhere fast – so a ruined life seemed an upgrade. Just to give you an idea of how clueless I was moments before graduation, I was a Theology Major with a Minor in English Writing & Rhetoric who had little to no interest in:

Law School


Waiting Tables


Becoming a Full Time Writer

Pursuing a doctorate

Going into Sales

So how does a guy who is seriously challenged in thinking ahead or intentionally come across JVC and actually go through with it? Well I digressed for a moment but I now take you back to March. So I go into a job fair put on by student “ambassadors” (too bad they never go anywhere – so why that title I’ll never know). I come equipped with no resume or any inkling that I’ll find any short term or long term path. While at the fair, I stumble upon a JVC booth.

“Hey, I went to a Jesuit High School in New Orleans. Cool, huh?”

“Umm, so are you interested in this at all?”

“OK I’ll take some brochures.”

Well it was a little more than that but this blog entry is supposed to be 250 words… So for the rest of the semester I sat staring at the bag which contained the JVC information. And as graduation approached, the more and more I thought a year of service would be the thing for me. So finally, a month after graduation, I made up my mind. I was gonna do it!!! And by “it” I mean actually start an application. I waited until almost the last second, aced my phone interview, and realized that orientation was a week away. Whoops. The family was angry, perplexed, but most of all worried that I was getting into this in too much of a rush without any thought. “Don’t worry. I’ve been mulling this over since March.” And it’s true, whether or not I made a list of pros and cons (I didn’t), talked to peers and former JV’s about the idea (I didn’t), got permission from my mom (no shot) I had been intentional in my decision. As a theology major, you get a lot of theories about God and your place in the world. As far as God goes, it’s a Mystery folks. Hate to give away four years of study that quickly. And as far as your life goes, well my life at least, I like to keep my ear to the ground (or the sky if that’s where God lives) and be pulled into the direction I feel I’m sent. Not overly religious, not over-thinking, just willing to go blindly into the realm of transcendence, and begin anew. Welcome to JVC…

Others blindly heading into their year of service and a Life of Ruin.

Being "whooshed" into my new St. Louis community. I'm a lot happier than I seem, I swear . . .

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